The Answer: How (and When and Why) to Draft One

The Answer is a pleading that responds to the Complaint. It traditionally responds, point-by-point, to each numbered allegation made by the Plaintiff(s) in the Complaint, and also asserts Affirmative Defenses.

Here’s a checklist, set of best-practices, and brainstorming points for when and how to file an Answer:

Admit. (You have now formally admitted EVERYTHING in the numbered paragraph. This may be reversible, but an attempt to withdraw an admission can (a) be denied, and (b) can be difficult and time consuming, so make sure you really intend to admit what you admit).

Deny. (This denies everything in the associated numbered paragraph)

You can also admit portions and deny portions of a paragraph, which may be essential where a Complaint has lengthy, multi-sentence paragraphs ( e.g ., “Admit that XXX is a resident of Colorado, but denies all other allegations in Paragraph 13 of the Complaint,” or “Admits the allegations in sentence 1 of Paragraph 4 but denies the allegations of the remaining eleven sentences of Paragraph 4 of the Complaint). Ensure that you are specific and cover everything. If there is potential for confusion, the safest approach is to admit very specific and limited points, and to provide a catch-all “denies all other allegations in Paragraph X of the Complaint.

Deny based on lack of knowledge ( e.g ., “Deny knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the allegations contained in Paragraph 7, and accordingly deny the same.”). If, following investigation, you are genuinely not sure how to best respond to a given paragraph, default to this option.

If a paragraph pertains to another party, and makes no allegation containing the party filing this Answer, it may be appropriate to state that no response is required ( e.g ., “Paragraph 6 does not address the answering Defendant, and accordingly no response is required.”).

There is no requirement to respond to a conclusion of law stated in the Complaint. For example, if the Complaint states that “the ACA requires insurers to . . . ,” an appropriate response may be that “Paragraph 11 of the Complaint states a conclusion of law to which no response is required.” However, be careful where conclusions of law and allegations of fact are mixed into a paragraph. It may also be prudent to end such a response with “However, to the extent Paragraph 11 contains any allegations of fact, those are denied.”

Most Complaints contain some language that “Plaintiff adopts and incorporates herein the allegations in Paragraph X through Y, above, as though fully restated herein.” The appropriate response in an Answer to such a paragraph is “Defendants adopt and incorporate herein each of their responses, denials, and affirmative defenses stated in this Answer.”

WHEREFORE, Defendants [NAMES] respectfully request that the Complaint be dismissed with prejudice and that they be awarded costs, including reasonable attorney fees, along with such other and further relief as the Court may deem just and proper.

Another best practice is to search PACER or your state's local electronic case filing system to find cases similar to the Complaint you are answering and download or order the Answers filed in those cases as potential exemplars. Sometimes the name of the lawyer, the firm filing the answer, or the subsequent progression and motions practice in the case can tell you a great deal about how "successful" a given Answer was.

The actual function of an Answer in most civil litigation is to limit the scope of discovery, motions practice, and trial to those issues that remain contested, and to preserve affirmative defenses for later use (and potentially to widen the scope of what is "relevant" in discovery). The Answer is a pleading that you'll rarely get any credit for doing perfectly, but that can truly undermine your defense if you get it wrong - in other words, perfect for a checklist-driven approach.

View Vail Law’s complete litigation and legal risk management checklist or contact us to discuss your claims in detail.