Government data centre chennai cps annual account statement

The State Data Centre (SDC) is one of the core infrastructure components for supporting e-Governance initiatives of NeGP (National e-Governance Plan). The establishment of State Data Centre (SDC) for Tamil Nadu has been completed as per the guidelines of SDC. It is a scheme shared between central and state. The SDC aims to consolidate services, applications and infrastructure to provide efficient electronic delivery of G2G, G2C and G2B Services. State Data Centre would provide the various functionalities via TNSWAN (Tamil Nadu State Wide Area Network) and CSC (Common Service Centre).

Establishment of Tamil Nadu State Data Centre (TNSDC)

Department of Information Technology (DeitY), Government of India (GOI) issued administrative approval for the project at an estimated cost of Rs 60.80 Crores (Central + State share). Government of Tamil Nadu (GoTN) vide G.O.Ms.No.15 of Information Technology Department dated 29.07.2008 issued orders for establishing SDC in the state on central and state shared pattern with the project outlay of Rs.60.80 Cr. and nominated ELCOT as the State Implementing Agency (SIA) for the project.

Stakeholders of the Project

State Implementing Agency ELCOT Nominated by the State Implementing Agency for the Project
Composite Team National Informatics Centre Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the State and NIC Technical and day to day operations for the SDC and associated e-Governance infrastructe for the State
Consultant M/s. Pricewaterhouse Coopers Pvt. Ltd. (PWC) Appointed by Deity To assist the state in preparation of DPR, RFP, Bid Process Management and implementation of TNSDC
Data Centre Operator (for Term I) M/s. Wipro Limited Through an Open Tender Establishment, Operation and Maintenance of TNSDC for Term I (01.08.2011 to 31.07.2016
Third Party Audit (for Term I) M/s. Ernst & Young Selected by State Project Implementation Committee from the empanelled panel of Deity TNSDC infrastructure Audit, O&M process and control Audit, SLA Monitoring Audit, Security and Compliance Audit etc. for Term I (01.08.2011 to 31.07.2016)
External Audit M/s. STQC (GoI) To Oversee and audit the TPA reports and review the overall performance of TNSDC

Commencement of Operation , ISO Certification & Operation and Maintenance of TNSDC

TNSDC is housed at ELCOT, Perungudi Complex and is being maintained with a strict Service Level Agreement (SLA) for ensuring 24 X 7 operation. The TNSDC was established with 40 racks facility and commenced its operation w.e.f. 01.08.2011. It is a highly secured infrastructure in which the Government departments can host their applications.

Tamil Nadu has obtained the ISO Certification for the Data Centre operations and Management of Information Security which is an important milestone in the operation of TNSDC. TNSDC has now obtained upgraded ISO certifications ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011 and ISO/IEC 27001:2013. Tamil Nadu is the first State to receive ISO certification for the State Data Centre in the Country.

NKN (National Knowledge Network) connectivity of 1 Gbps is integrated with TNSDC. As the initial infrastructure of 40 racks was fully utilised, subsequently, the TNSDC was expanded with 21 more racks. Currently, the TNSDC has reached 100% of its maximum capacity in terms of space (61 racks) . The 1st 5 year O&M (Term 1) was successfully completed on 31.07.2016 and TNSDC is now in the consecutive 6th successful year of operation. 78 applications (60 co-location + 18 shared model) of 25 Government Departments are running Live from TNSDC.

TNSDC Functionality and Operation

TNSDC will enable the State Departments to host their services and servers through the common infrastructure (like UPS power, cooling, rack space, network connectivity with security, storage, monitoring systems, Internet and TNSWAN connectivity) aiming at ease of integration and efficient management. TNSDC acts as a central repository of the State's data and provides functionalities like

TNSDC Common Infrastructure and its features

The below listed facilities are readily available for the Government departments to host their servers and their applications with VAPT certification inside TNSDC.

  1. DCO 24x7 operations support
  2. SLA compliance Tier II ISO Standard 99.90% uptime availability
  3. Redundant Internet Service Providers (Tata and BSNL 16 Mbps)
  4. Redundant Link Load Balancer and Server Load Balancer, Network Switches
  5. External firewall protection using Cisco ASA and Internal firewall protection using Fortigate
  6. Network Intrusion Prevention System protection using Radware Defense Pro
  7. NKN as additional internet backbone of 1 Gbps (BSNL,PGCIL) and SDC to TNSWAN 1Gbps redundant
  8. Novell Sentinel for server logs, LDAP for user Authentication for Domains, NPUM for user privileged management
  9. Backup support using EMC networker and SAN (Storage Area Network) provisioning using EMC Clarion
  10. Redundant UPS power 2x250 KVA (Emerson) and Diesel Generator as backup 2x630 KVA
  11. Rack Space Provisioning, Power and Air conditioning (17.5TR x 5 PAC Emerson)
  12. Building Management System Operation like CCTV surveillance, smoke detection system, Rodent repellent system, Water leak detection, Biometric Access Controls
  13. Antivirus and Host Intrusion Prevention System protections using Mcafee (Offered at a cost)
  14. Enterprise Management System monitoring using CA Suite (Network, Server, Database and Applications)(offered at a cost)

Facilities at TNSDC

Server Farm:

In order to provide common test bed facility like Load Balancer, Antivirus, Firewall etc., to the departments while hosting applications at TNSDC, a 'Server Farm' has been created at TNSDC with necessary hardware, software and testing tools. This will allow the departments to comply with Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Tests before hosting applications at TNSDC.

DR enablement at NDC-Pune:

Under National Disaster Recovery Scheme, the TNSDC is mapped with National Data Centre (NDC)-Pune. Through NKN Connectivity, NDC-Pune was enabled as DR Centre. DR at NDC – Pune is operational and DR facilities of CCTNS , SHDRC have been implemented at NDC – Pune.

CLOUD enablement @TNSDC

For better and optimal utilization of the computer infrastructure at TNSDC and utilizing the same infrastructure amongst multiple applications, Cloud Technology has been adopted at TNSDC. This technology will also drive consolidation of IT resources resulting in power savings. To start up, a small scale Cloud set up was established in co-ordination with C-DAC with the infrastructure of TNSDC. ELCOT Enterprise Resouce Planning – Facility Management Service (ERP - FMS) etc. were hosted in this Cloud. As on date 18 applications are deployed successfully in this Cloud environment and public access is enabled. In order to have a full fledged Cloud Set up, a systém Integrator was identified through an Open Tender and Delivery, Commissioning and installation of full fleged Cloud set up has been completed.

Features and facilities of CLOUD @ TNSDC

  1. Availability of on demand infrastructure for hosting the application.
  2. Improving infrastructure utilization with multiple Virtual machines (VMs) on a single host.
  3. Allowing applications to leverage the power to scale up and scale down instances as per the demand cycle.
  4. Reducing the time required for the provisioning of Virtual Machines (VMs) through pre defined templates.
  5. Allowing departments to deploy applications faster.
  6. Ability to provide additional computing resources like CPU, RAM, Storage and OS whenever demand arises in production.
  7. Rapid elasticity and dynamic scalability of computing resources.
  8. Virtual machines (VMs) will be created and provided as per the requirement (ranging from min 1vCPU, 1GB RAM to max 8vCPU, 16GB RAM with HDD (storage space) of 500GB max in general.
  9. Operating Systems (OS) Redhat Linux and Windows will be provided to Virtual machines running on hypervisors RHEV and Hyper V.
  10. Department can also bring in their OS with support, based on the compatibility matrix of the hypervisors.
  11. Host Intrusion and Prevention System (HIPS) and Antivirus software will be provided for the VMs.
  12. Up time of VMs will be monitored on 24x7 basis.
  13. Hypervisor level clustering is enabled to provide HA for VMs.
  14. Cloud operator will do OS hardening in co-ordination with user department.

Cloud hosting charges

Virtual Machine - Windows/Linux operating system with High Availability:

Description Charges per Annum per Virtual machine (in Rs.)
VCPU - 1 no. 72,500
RAM - 1GB 1,500
Storage Area Network (SAN) space (100GB - usable) 6,750
Host Intrusion Prevention System and Antivirus s/w 4,000
Total 84,750

Note: Departments may approach TNSDC, ELCOT campus, Perungudi for hosting requirements. Kindly depute personnel along with application developer to discuss in detail for new hosting/migrating the existing application to CLOUD environment

Procedure and Responsibilities of Departments for Hosting the Server in TNSDC

  1. Application security (Vulnerability assessment and penetration testing) audited by CERT-IN empaneled / ELCOT empaneled agency
  2. Formal approval from GoTN/MD ELCOT for hosting the application (with specific reference to requirement of SAN)
  3. Physical rack servers are to be deployed at web zone/ application zone and data base zone at TNSDC by concerned departments in the case of co-location model.
  4. Provision of necessary Rack servers for Replication at Disaster Recovery Site identified by GoTN / Department
  5. Provision of Rack servers for replication to happen temporarily – to be identified by the Department
  6. OS licenses, HIPS Mcafee licenses, Antivirus Mcafee licenses, Database licenses, Cluster Licenses, Replication Tools/Software/Licenses, if any. In case of Open source OS, Support Version is suggested. As a best practice and to comply for DR Replication & IPv6, support versions are suggested.
  7. RPM based OS is compatible to TNSDC’s agents like HIPS, AV, Backup, etc. Hence Debian version OS may be avoided due to compatibility issue.
  8. Sufficient numbers of LTO-4 tapes for tape backup are to be procured by the Department.
  9. DNS to be registered / renewed by the department.
  10. HBA cards for database servers for connecting to SAN
  11. 4% on hardware cost per annum as O&M charges to ELCOT by Departments for co -location model (or) the cost indicated under Cloud rate card for shared model.
  12. Server sizing to be decided by application developer with necessary configurations. High Availability methodology may be ensured for entire server architecture design.
  13. NAS based solution as offsite backup for the department – to be decided by department in lieu of permanent Disaster Recovery.
  14. Remote connectivity ONLY for app/web servers through TNSWAN/NKN only. [Host to host] subject to provision under IT Act. Data deployment/migration to be carried out in the premises of TNSDC only.
  15. Application implementation, installation, & deployment, OS hardening / application clustering / application fine tuning / Log rotation are the responsibility of the department/developer/implementation agency.
  16. Department to approach ELCOT for proforma invoice for procurement of RATE CARD AVAILABLE ITEMS, LICENSES, HARDWARE and permission for withdrawal of Hardware etc.
  17. Internet/Intranet/ERP/eOffice applications are also to be fully security audited. In case partial application change happens, the entire application should be subject to complete security audit by TPA. In case for a particular department it so happens that if the application developer is also Cert-in empaneled TPA, necessary security audit certificate along with vulnerability fix reports have to be submitted on their letterhead.
  18. Periodic VAPT/ Infrastructure audits are required to be carried out by the departments, preferably every year.
  19. Server administration/maintenance/help-desk are the responsibilities of the Department including user id creation, password activities, mail exchanges, OS patches, etc.
  20. On line database backup agent license in case on line backup of database is required.
  21. In case application security audit could not be performed in the Department/application developer premises, Test Environment can be deployed by the department at TNSDC with LOCAL LAN IP for security audit purposes. Cert-in/ELCOT empaneled security audit agency must bring in their own Laptop with necessary tool so that the application can be fully security audited within TNSDC using Local LAN IP only. Under any circumstances the test environment cannot be a permanent setup.
  22. Insurance coverage for the hardware deployed at TNSDC by the Department is the responsibility of the concerned Department only.


Since the TNSDC PH – I with 61 racks serving the hosting requirements of various Government Departments has currently reached 100% of its maximum capacity in terms of space, the TNSDC PH II in a new building at Perungudi is being established at an approved project outlay (State share) of Rs.40 Cr


The Tamil Nadu State Data Centre (TNSDC) enables the State Government and the Departments to host their applications and services on a common, redundant, secured and controlled environment, easing the process of integration and resource optimization. However risk pertaining to natural disaster such as Tsunami, earthquakes, floods etc, pose a herculean challenge to any Data Centre and hence to ensure the business continuity of the departments which are providing e-services and to have a mirror image of datas Disaster Recovery Centre has been planned.. ELCOT has been nominated as the implementing agency for setting up of Disaster Recovery Centre (DRC) in a phased manner. Administrative Approval was accorded by the Government and Disaster Recovery Centre is being established at ELCOSEZ, Trichy and will commence its operation by March


To address the synchronous replication requirements, for providing Nearline Disaster Recovery (NLDR) Solutions, ELCOT has entered in to a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with BSNL Data Centre. NLDR common IT infrastructure has been created by ELCOT at BSNL DC. The requirements of the departments are being addressed on case to case basis on receipt of demands from the deparments.


In order to provide seamless desktop connectivity, as well as to adhere to the regulations with respect of storage and archival of email as official record of business process, a full fledged e-Mail Solutions has been mooted. The provisioning of e-Mail Services is an essential component of e-enabling of Government functioning. An email solution was enabled with 10000 user capacity and as on date, services are extended to 3500 users namely Hon'ble Ministers, MLAs, Secretaries to Government, officers and departments within Secretariat, officials in Districts and Taluks of few departments. The e-mail Solution is operational through NIC.

Monitoring the functioning of SDC through Enterprise Monitoring Solution (EMS)

Spectrum view

  1. Network modeling in Spectrum, is the act of graphically representing network entities and their connections.
  2. Using the modeling features offered in the One-Click client ,one can easily create and maintain accurate software models of network.
  3. Discovery is an utility to find devices in the network
  4. Monitors Systems, Event logs, memory statistics, Paging and swap statistics, Operating System Memory, Logical disk, Physical disk, Process, Network interface traffic, Cache, CPU Utilization, CPU Load Averages etc.

E-Health View

  1. e-Health identifies and collects data from existing devices, agents, and management systems in the entire infrastructure.
  2. Generates reports on the historical and current performance data to manage the resources.
  3. At-a-Glance report is composed of a series of charts that show the performance of critical variables for a specified element during the report period.
  4. Performance Reports of Device - CPU and Memory utilized, Interface errors, Server and Infrastructure services statistics, Trend report based on historical Information.

Service Desk

  1. Service Desk Manager uses for auto/manual call ticketing and also the business objects Info view interface to collect, organize, and present information in report formats.
  2. Category creation for Request/Problem/Incident.
  3. Service request from user departments are addressed by service tickets and the same is assigned to the respective domain engineer.
  4. Problem tickets are raised for repeated issues or any major problems closed with root cause analysis with closure.
  5. All incidents generated and logged in the service desk, are reviewed for SLA reporting.