Dynamic Business Law

"We are full of gratitude to the reviewers, adopters, and students who have stimulated us to create this fresh and improved 6th edition of Dynamic Business Law. Any book is a work in progress, and certainly this one is no exception. But with your assistance, we feel we have a much better book now. We have constructed a book that is both comprehensive and readable. But the features integrated into the chapters provide its distinctive worth. Each feature stands by itself as an aid to the kind of learning we hope to encourage. Yet the features are also a cohesive unit, contributing both to the liberal education of the students who use this book and to their skills as decision makers in a market economy"--

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Название Dynamic Business Law
Авторы Nancy K. Kubasek , M. Neil Browne , Lucien J. Dhooge , Daniel J. Herron , Linda L. Barkacs
Издание: 6
Издатель McGraw-Hill Education, 2022
ISBN 1264125968, 9781264125968
Количество страниц Всего страниц: 2133
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