Texas No Gun Signs and Regulations

On September 1, 2021, House Bill 1927 takes into effect, eliminating the requirement for Texas citizens to obtain a state-issued license to carry handguns. Property and business owners must post signs specified by the Texas Penal Code to prohibit the carry of firearms within their premises.

Property owners must post all three signs if they want to prohibit all firearms on their property.

Texas 30.05 Sign

Below are the requirements specified by the Texas Penal Code

Given these requirements set by Texas, compliant signs must be of a significant size to display the necessary text and still remain legible.

Texas 30.07 No Openly Carried Handguns Sign

We realize that these signs are too big for some storefronts, so SafetySign.com also offers the messages broken down to display on two separate signs. If a property owner were to post two smaller signs, one with 1-inch English text and another with 1-inch Spanish text, then they could comply with the laws and save space. Check out all our available Texas No Gun Signs.

If you are a retailer of alcoholic beverages in Texas, you should consult the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission. You may be required to post additional signage such as a handgun warning sign or a “51% sign”. These signs are available through your local Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission office.

There may be additional and/or more accurate information about these signs and their requirements available through government offices, websites, and other resources. The Texas Department of Public Safety posted a summary of the new laws if you would like more information on them and how they could affect your business or property.

SafetySign.com does not recommend or specify the use of a specific safety sign because it does not have knowledge of the hazard(s) our customers are identifying. It is the customer’s sole responsibility to identify the hazard(s) that may be present and select one or more signs (stock or custom) that accurately identify their specific hazard(s) and complies with any applicable federal, state or local laws or regulations, any worksite specific rules or regulations and/or any applicable safety standards (including, without limitation, ANSI and/or OSHA standards). SafetySign.com disclaims any and all liability (excluding liability for our Product Warranty contained in our Terms and Conditions) for any sign selected by a customer and shall not be responsible for any personal injury or property damage resulting from the use of signs purchased from it or for the independent interpretation made of any applicable federal, state or local laws or regulations, any worksite specific rules or regulations, and/or any applicable safety standards (including, without limitation, ANSI and/or OSHA standards). Customer shall indemnify and hold SafetySign.com and its corporate parent and its officers, directors and affiliates harmless from and against any and all claims, loss or expense (including attorneys’ fees) arising from or related to the purchase and use by customer or any third party of any sign purchased by customer from SafetySign.com.