Purchase a Property in Russia


Investors who want to purchase a property in Russia are advised to seek specialized help. Moscow and St. Petersburg are two of Russia’s most developed cities. However, other cities also offer business opportunities in Russia and the real estate market is always evolving. Our lawyers in Russia can explain the steps for buying a property in this country. We can also help with the preparation of the sale-purchase agreement for real estate transactions in Russia.

The institution in charge of property registration in Russia

Foreigners cannot buy agricultural lands in Russia.

Must hold a residence permit in Russia

A preliminary agreement is required, alongside an advance payment

A real estate agent in Russia can help you negotiate the price for the property you wish to buy.

Ruble, but in some cases other currencies can be used.

Yes, through a business investment visa and specific requirements

- legal advice before buying a property in Russia,

- counseling on property issues,

- assistance, and representation before signing the sale-purchase agreement.

Buying properties in Russia's strategic areas

Investment visa requirements for a residence permit in Russia

Buying a property worth at least RUB 50,000,000

No VAT imposed on the purchase of residential property

Available option for foreign citizens interested in such type of investments in Russia

Depending on the bank's conditions. No more than 80% of the property price is supported through a bank loan.

Persons interested should ask for legal advice and collaborate with a Russian lawyer.

Establishing an LLC in Russia for management of property acquisition

As soon as the sale-purchase contract is signed and the payment made.

Around 1.5% calculated on the property price

The new owner must register with the Russian Land Registry.

You can collaborate with one of our Russian lawyers and eliminate from the start any possible missunderstanding related to language barrier, legal complexities linked to the property, etc.

Real estate purchase regulations in Russia

According to Russian law, foreigners are usually allowed to purchase or rent property in Russia, but certain exceptions apply. Also, in order to be allowed to buy a property, the foreign citizen must hold a valid Russian resident permit.

The Russian Land Code stipulates that foreign people or foreign legal entities cannot own properties built on borderline zones. Foreigners also have restrictions regarding the purchase of agricultural land in Russia.

When searching for a property in Russia, foreigners are advised to seek the help of a specialized real estate agency. This minimizes the risks and protects the buyer from fraud. Our attorneys in Russia can recommend real estate agencies in Russia and inform you during the purchase procedure, to make sure that everything is done according to law. Here is an infographic with information in this topic:

How to buy a house in Russia in 5 steps

Due diligence when buying a property in Russia

The due diligence procedures are recommended in the case of residential real estate properties, however, they become mandatory in the case of commercial purchases.

This step is usually completed before the acquisition of the property as it implies a thorough verification of the property to be purchased. Also, it is the future owner’s responsibility to ask for real estate due diligence procedures before buying a property. This can be completed by a law firm in Russia when it comes to the legal side of the transaction and by an architect or any other team of construction experts when it comes to the technical side of the transaction.

Here is a video presenation with details about buying a property in Russia as a foreigner:

Buying residential real estate in Russia

There are no restrictions related to buying a residential property in Russia. Moreover, there are several laws which provide for the sale and purchase of real estate property for residential purposes in Russia. These laws are:

As mentioned earlier, any Russian or foreign citizen can buy real estate for residential use. The exception for foreign citizens resides in purchases on border and seaport areas. However, an important aspect should be considered here: a foreign individual can buy a property built on such land plots but is restricted from buying the land the property is built on.

Our Russian lawyers can offer detailed information on the conditions imposed fot those interested in buying a property in Russia as a foreigner.

Another important aspect which should be considered when deciding to buy a property in Russia is related to the categorization of the real estate. Fortunately, the Russian Housing Law is very strict about the categories of properties which have a positive effect on the price because the Act provides for every type of unit which can be purchased here.

Acquiring commercial real estate in Russia

Not only foreign citizens are allowed to buy properties in Russia, but foreign companies are also allowed to buy real estate for commercial use. There is a clear distinction between the two types of real estate purchases, however, the same restrictions apply when it comes to the areas in which such properties can be bought.

There are also cases in which commercial property purchases involve agricultural land, however, in this case, the foreign company will only be entitled to use the land plot for the commercial activities which include completing various types of agricultural works. The right to use such property is granted through concession agreements.

One of the easiest ways of acquiring commercial real estate property in Russia is through mergers and acquisitions, which are regulated by the law with the same name. This procedure implies a foreign company to take over a local business with all its assets, including the real estate ones. However, the foreign company must pay attention to the regulations imposed by the Civil Code.

An interesting aspect when buying real estate in Russia is that aircraft, vessels, and navigations boats are also considered real estate property when purchased by a company. If you are interested in immigration to Russia and want to buy a property, please contact us soon.

Elements of the real estate sale-purchase agreement

When buying real estate in Russia, the Contract Law must be respected. The following elements must be present in the sale-purchase agreement when buying Russian residential or commercial real estate:

Also, if any special mentions are agreed by the seller and the buyer, these must be stipulated in the contract.

The sale contract of commercial real estate property is slightly different from that a residential property because the former enters the merger and acquisition deals regulations. In this case, the contract must contain a few more elements, among which a description of the property with all the facilities on it, the warranties and the representations of the property.

Our Russian law firm can help you in buying a property in Russia as a foreigner by managing the formalities.

Steps for purchasing a property in Russia

After finding a property that meets their needs, buyers must meet the owner and draw up an initial agreement. This document describes all the provisions of the final sale purchase agreement and includes information about the necessary documents.

The buyer must make sure that he/she can provide the entire negotiated sale price for the property. After the payment has been made and confirmed, both parties must sign the final purchase agreement in front of a notary. An acceptance agreement must also be signed on the same date the property is transferred to the new owner. This document certifies that the property was transferred in an acceptable condition.

The new owner must register the property and the former owner must perform a de-register procedure. The following documents need to be provided for the registration of property in Russia:

The documents must be filed with the Land Register in Russia.

If you decide to buy a property in anoother former Soviet Union country, such as Georgia, you should know that there can be some differencies related to the imposed conditions. For example, in Georgia you don't need a residence permit in order to be allowed to buy a property, compared to Russia, where such a permit is mandatory. The property tax in Russia is 2% and in Georgia is only 1%. In both countries, you can sign a pre-sale contract and pay a certain amount before buying the property. More details about purchasing a property in Georgia can be offered by our partner lawyer.

Fees related to buying real estate in Russia

The following fees and taxes must be considered when purchasing a property in Russia:

Purchasing a property for a Russian residence permit

Foreigners can opt to buy a property in Russia and obtain a residence permit. This type of residence permit allows foreigners to live in Russia and even do business without restrictions. In the first phase, a temporary residence permit is issued in Russia, when purchasing a property. Here are other important aspects:

Buying a property in Russia as a foreigner comes with various rights in this country, but there are also some restrictions. Here are some of them:

On the other hand, foreigners can easily purchase houses, villas, apartments, and commercial and residential properties, without any limit in this respect. We advise you to contact our immigration lawyers in Russia to learn more about how to buy a property in Russia and obtain residency.

Some aspects of property transactions in Russia for foreigners

The purchase of a property in Russia by a foreign citizen involves the same process and formalities as in the case of Russian citizens. After checking the documents and the history of the property from a legal point of view, the sale-purchase deed is drawn up, which is to be signed by the people involved in the process.

The local authorities reserve the right to make checks in the case of foreign citizens before the aforementioned contract is signed in front of the notary. In this case, we specify that the final price can be negotiated. Also, the buyer and seller can agree on the advanced payment that must be made before the final signatures. What you should consider before signing the contract of sale-purchase of a property in Russia, as a foreign citizen:

Why purchase real estate in Russia?

Contrary to some beliefs, buying a property in Russia is not expensive. Thanks to the Housing Law which provides for a strict categorization of real estate units, a foreigner can choose the most appropriate type of property they want to buy. Also, real estate transactions are very safe if all the procedures which need to be completed before and after agreeing with the seller follow the right order.

Real estate facts in Russia

Here are some facts about the direction of the real estate market in Russia:

In addition to assistance in buying a property in Russia, foreign citizens can also benefit from the services offered by our immigration lawyers in Russia. They can take care of the formalities related to immigration to Russia. Please contact our Russian law firm for a detailed offer and then discuss in detail about purchasing a property in Russia.