What is Covid 'Plan B' and what are the rules?

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Plan B rules: what does Plan B mean, is it being introduced in England, and what are the rules?

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It was reported today (Wednesday December 8) that Boris Johnson is planning to bring in 'Plan B' coronavirus rules in England.

If introduced, the proposed Plan B restrictions would response to growing concern of the Omicron variant, which is potentially more transmissible than the Delta variant, in the UK.

As reported by Sky News, government sources have claimed that Boris Johnson could introduce the new rules as early as this week.

Here's what we know about what that could mean.

Brits could be told to work from home where possible

What does Plan B mean?

Plan B could see the return of the guidance to work from home if you can and introduction of vaccine passports.

The government unveiled its winter Covid plan in September, where Health Secretary Sajid Javid outlined the possible plans for dealing with the virus in the colder months.

Mr Javid said that the government had a plan 'A' and 'B' to tackle coronavirus.

Plan 'A' was revealed to be a five-step plan involving booster jabs and testing, while plan 'B' was a contingency plan that would only be introduced if it was needed.

Boris Johnson is set to make an announcement later today

He said at the time: "These measures would be communicating clearly and urgently to the public the need for caution.

"Legally mandating face coverings in certain settings. And whilst we're not going ahead with mandatory vaccine Covid status certification now, we'll be holding that power in reserve.

"As well as these three steps, we continue we consider a further measure of asking people to work from home if they can for a limited time."

Is Plan B being introduced?

Boris Johnson has already reintroduced mandatory face masks in certain settings, and reports have suggested that working from home (where possible) and vaccine passports could be brought in this week.

We don't have official confirmation on this, and it's been reported that Boris Johnson may give an update next week.