Vaccine Safety Debate

The vaccine safety debate with the CDC and other federal health agencies has finally occurred!

ICAN Attorneys Make History in Mississippi

ICAN’s attorneys secured a historic and critical win with a ruling from the bench following an evidentiary hearing, where a[…]

Our Mission

At the Informed Consent Action Network, you are the authority over your health choices and those of your children. In a medical world manipulated by advertising and financial interests, true information is hard to find and often harder to understand. Our goal is to put the power of scientifically researched health information in your hands and to be bold and transparent in doing so, thereby enabling your medical decisions to come from tangible understanding, not medical coercion.

Founder Message

Our founding fathers fought against tyranny to realize the dream of a great and free nation. It is time for the free people of the greatest nation on earth to stand up for our freedom to choose what’s healthy for our own bodies, before the industrial agriculture and pharmaceutical industries pass laws that force those decisions upon us.

— Del Bigtree (Founder)

Who We Are

Investigating the safety of medical procedures, pharmaceutical drugs, and vaccines while educating the public of their right to “informed consent.”